This is Trident Integrity
At Trident Integrity we see clearly that integrity builds strong companies, institutions and countries which perform to the maximum and achieve their true potential. Through a powerful combination of internationally-recognised expertise, highly-developed materials, research and innovation, we help all kinds of organisations from SMEs to multi-national companies and government institutions to build integrity and prevent, detect and respond to corruption challenges so they can continue to perform and deliver at the highest levels.
Our main area of expertise is establishing, testing and enhancing effective ‘adequate procedures’ anti-corruption programmes for companies seeking to strengthen their ESG credentials. We use the Malaysian Government Guidelines on Adequate Procedures as our main framework, although ISO 37001 does equally well. For these programmes we include gap analysis, system design and implementation, pre-certification auditing for ISO 37001, and effectiveness testing.
We have our own in-house Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA) methodology based on ISO 31000 and the MACC Corruption Risk Management approach. We also do high-impact training for directors and top management, both in-house and via regulators and well-known director’s institutions.
On the innovation side, we are leading experts in applying advanced technology to combating corruption, including data analytics, artificial intelligence and blockchain.
More information on these and other useful services we provide can be found on our Services page.