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At Trident we believe that a business environment that operates with integrity needs to be cultivated not only by corporations but also by the public bodies that serve to guide and regulate the economy.

A comprehensive national programme is a practical solution to solving the corruption issues that emerge at the interface between the public and private sectors. A national integrity programme can save a country millions of dollars in corruption-related costs, and protect the integrity of a country’s reputation on the  global stage.

Trident Integrity develops comprehensive national integrity programmes which empower the Government and collective organisation bodies to mitigate many of the corruption challenges arising from the commercial sector, especially in developing economies. Trident’s CEO Dr Lovatt is an internationally respected expert in combatting corruption and has worked with national and international agencies to develop sector and country-side integrity programmes based on international best practice and lessons we’ve learned from various initiatives across the Asia-Pacific region. Click through below to learn more about our international work.

In 2005, His Majesty the King of Bhutan decreed the establishment of an Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) as a response to the rise of corrupt practices in its business sector following the emergence of the country in the international stage. The ACC was given a mission “to eliminate corruption through leading by example, achieving excellence in partnerships, and mainstreaming anti-corruption strategies/measures in public/private organizations.”

In June 2014, the country launched its National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy which was created to establish effective integrity infrastructure to combat private sector corruption. Under this strategy, the ACC engaged the assistance of Trident CEO Dr Mark Lovatt – then working with Transparency International Malaysia – to develop a comprehensive private sector integrity programme designed to protect the nation’s wellbeing against the corrosive effects of business-based corruption.

Dr Lovatt worked with the ACC to develop the programme, with several visits to the country over a three year period. In 2018 Dr Lovatt’s work was completed, with the ACC then continuing with the action plan to maximise the programme’s impact. The main components of the programme are shown below:

The Business Integrity Network Afghanistan (BINA) was started by Harakat, the Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility, in order to engage the private sector in promoting business integrity. BINA’s overall mission was to bring together a group of companies who would work together to promote business integrity practices in order to drive change in the developing economy.

In 2015, BINA engaged the services of Trident Integrity to conduct a review of its framework, and to formulate new tools for the organisation to conduct integrity assessments on companies joining the initiative or continuing as members.

Trident worked with BINA to:

  • Develop a review process for the Business Integrity Certification process
  • Develop internal policies, rules and regulations for the national integrity programme
  • Develop plans for future communication and monitoring processes
  • Develop an incentive scheme for BINA to engage potential partners
  • Develop a training programme and materials for use by BINA

Following the completion of the materials, BINA proceeded to implement the programme and enhance the integrity of the Afghan business sector.