Business Integrity Alliance (BIA)
At Trident, we want to see countries be free of corruption. We believe that by harnessing the power of the business community, corruption in countries can be driven out. Over the years, numerous companies have come to Trident seeking assistance to implement effective integrity systems that would yield business value. Now, we want to see the initiatives undertaken by individual companies achieve greater effect through collective action
The Business Integrity Alliance (BIA) is a collective action organisation that was formed with a mission to combat corruption factors affecting the business industry by connecting companies, chambers of commerce and industry groups with government. The Alliance was established in 2016, and is based out of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
The BIA operates as a company limited by guarantee, Business Integrity Alliance Berhad, which is a registered participant of United Nations Global Compact.
The BIA aims to bring together companies to identify embedded corruption problems in the countries where they operate and identify actionable solutions to these issues. The BIA does this by making representations to Government through an partnership backed by a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the BIA and the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). The BIA will analyse and identify major corruption risks and bring these issues to the relevant public agencies on behalf of its partners.
The ultimate objective of the BIA is to empower organisations to strengthen their anti-corruption procedures and cultures of integrity.
For more information about the BIA, visit www.business-integrity-alliance.org.

Interested in joining the BIA?
The BIA is seeking companies who share this vision to join as pioneer partners of the Alliance. If you would like to know more, please contact ask@business-integrity-alliance.org.